Your generosity is changing lives

The Holy Spirit is at work at Eleva Lutheran and we can feel it in everything we do! Our congregation is on its way to becoming a thriving faith community but keeping a congregation going isn't free. When you look around at all that is happening at Eleva Lutheran, it's clear that it takes people, and generous gifts to keep Eleva Lutheran running. 

Generous gifts can include weekly/monthly monetary gifting, sharing your talents, and donating time to the mission. Monetary gifts pay the bills, but talent and time is the key to living out our mission, uniting all people in Christ through faith.

But why do we give? Most importantly it is to say "thank you" to the Lord for all He has done. By giving back a portion of all that He has given us, freely, warmly, and thankfully, let's God know our hearts belong to Him, and we are grateful. Every dollar that is given is in some way changing lives in our faith community and the communities beyond our doors.

Thank you for all your gifts, and may God bless the fruit it bears.


Any questions about giving, please feel free to reach out to Michelle Jacobson at or (715) 287-4231.

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